Creating an account with us does not modify your current 1SE data.
You can create a 1SE account using a Google account, Apple ID, or email & password. To get one using your email address, follow these steps:
On an iOS device
Tap "Profile" on the tab bar at the bottom.
Tap "Create Account or Sign In".
Tap "Sign up with Email".
Enter your name, birthday, email address, and password to create your account.
Tap "Create Account".
Follow the prompts to finish.
On an Android device
New user
Tap "Continue" when you first launch the app.
Tap "Sign up with Email".
Enter your name, birthday, email address, and password to create your account. You can also subscribe to our newsletter!
Tap "Create Account".
Follow the prompts to finish.
Former user
Tap the profile icon on the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Tap "Create an account or sign in".
Tap "Sign up with Email".
Enter your name, birthday, email address, and password to create your account. You can also subscribe to our newsletter!
Tap "Create Account".
Follow the prompts to finish.